What's New Workshops

New Teaching Schedule + New Somatic Classroom

I am back to work full time after many months of study, travel, moving, and soul searching. I have missed you ALL and have so much to share with you!

I am back to work full time after many months of study, travel, moving, and soul searching. I have missed you ALL and have so much to share with you! Full schedule starts tomorrow at the Boulder Mennonite Church!

Dear Friends, it is with great joy and renewed ease that I am opening my new somatic classroom in south Boulder with many class times on the schedule starting this week! Come join the practice.

At the Boulder Mennonite Church, Downstairs Fellowship Hall
3910 Table Mesa Dr, Boulder, CO 80305

February and March Class Schedule

Kaiut/Therapeutic Yoga

4-5 pm
5:30-6:30 pm

Kaiut/Therapeutic Yoga

10:30-11:30 am
12:00-1:00 pm

Kaiut/Therapeutic Yoga

4-5 pm
5:30-6:30 pm

Kaiut/Therapeutic Yoga

10:30-11:30 am
12:00-1:00 pm

Saturdays (starting in mid-March, dates TBD)  
Kaiut/Therapeutic Yoga

9-10 am
10:30-11:45 am


I’m infinitely grateful to everyone for the help, support, shelter, and encouragement during this past year, and always. So thank you friends, BioDynamic yoga students, therapeutic yoga students, teachers, mentors, collaborators, and partners.  The yoga practice is the most important thing we can do to regulate our nervous systems, and thereby change our outlook, our minds and our actions accordingly. I have had to make major changes personally over these last few years, and so my understanding and my teaching methods have changed also.

It has always been my dream to offer one work that includes everyone together and leaves no one behind.  For this reason, I am (again!) embracing Francisco Kaiut as my teacher and mentor, and the Kaiut Yoga Method as my personal practice and study.  I am also taking a page from Francisco’s playbook in seeking space in the church!  It’s wonderful – beautiful natural light, spacious and clean, great parking, affordable with ample equipment storage, and the community has been so warm and welcoming to me!

For my dear BioDynamic yoga students, I encourage you to come with an open mind and trust me as your teacher again.  I will be holding some information and practice sessions for you all soon, so that we can discuss your concerns and how to move forward.

Thank you for letting me know how much the practice means in your life. This is not just something we do, this is who we are.

Your feedback is welcome, I hope this serves your needs!  After things settle a bit, I may tweak the times and add or change some classes.

For parking and pricing information, please visit the website


Healthy Vision & Vagal Nerve Tone

A Somatic Practice for yoga students and movement educators
Blending Therapeutic Yoga and Rolf Movement ™ – with Suzanne Picard

Saturdays 10 am to 12 pm

There are still a few spots left in the remaining two classes on Feb 9 and Feb 16.

Individual classes $40 each, please email me to register.