
Francisco’s resource list for understanding the Kaiut Yoga Method

These books give you a certain language that is accessible to students as this will end up in our classroom.

  • Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson
  • The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
  • The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge
  • The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden
  • The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

Also Gregg Braden’s older books. He is connected with Native Americans. Brain/emotional coherence. His books have a certain coherence.

  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza
  • Evolve Your Brain (earlier) by Dr. Joe Dispenza from What the Bleep… (earlier book better than the second?)

In 1st book, he travels searching for major spontaneous healing where allopathic medicine had nothing to offer. What connects all those people together? (Success leaves a trail.) Good language, good information, knowledge, research.

  • Anything from Quantum Physics
  • Amit Goswami, Indian physicist from Berkeley wrote a few books. Some of the best info on Quantum Physics and consciousness.
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda

Read the sutras themselves more than the commentaries. There are modern, unknown Indian authors doing an amazing job interpreting them. Just go look. They are blossoming with new understanding and comprehension leading to a new modern understanding.

  • Light on Yoga, First Edition, 17 page Preface by BKS Iyengar

Other Authors of interest:

  • Susan Andrews, PhD – an American who lives in Brazil. Bridges a lot with science in a very nice way.
  • Love Yourself & Heal Your Life by Louise Haye – She is very simple & consistent. Love Yourself & Heal Your Life: sometimes people see it as ridiculous, but there’s no such thing as a dog that does not love and take care of itself. Sometimes we do the wrong things internally. She reconnects us with a basic aspect of life & nature that we have lost. Her publishing company (The Haye House) also has some online courses that are very good. Even if you decide not to love yourself, it is important to know this is going on as you teach.
  • Randolf Stone – creator of Polarity Therapy. Everything that has been said regarding energy fields comes from this guy from Austria who used to live and work in Chicago as an osteopathic doctor. He is a direct or indirect source of reference for everything you have ever read about energy fields. Brought energy field concepts from China and India in a really clear way.

These authors help us understand people, modern society, the mind, etc. Once you have this understanding, reading yoga books is useful. If you start reading yoga books without understanding the context we now know, they sound like magic. If you use the base of modern research, you understand differently.

Ayurveda says every joint is a chakra. When something does not work, it does not work in many levels. The system has so many levels so we cannot be precise. We are working on different levels all the time.

Context, history, comprehension, modern understanding of the mind, neuroscience, quantum physics are tools that we need in order to understand what the original writings in the yoga field are about.

My Additions

  • Roger Gilchrist, Polarity Therapy
  • The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges
  • Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and the School for Mind Body Centering
  • Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life by Gary John Bishop
  • Stop Doing That Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand Your Life Back by Gary John Bishop
  • Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention by Johann Hari