What's New

Late Summer Musings

Late Summer News and Looking Ahead

Oooh these days are bringing a touch of Fall!  Change is in the air, there is a stirring….

I’ve been contemplating the passing of time, the pacing of our systems, and the necessity to plan for breaks, rests, variety – the experience of completion and starting again, the undeniable connection of all things. Life is full and blessed.

You know I love this practice, and how much I cherish being able to share it with you.  It’s a miracle that I’ve been teaching yoga classes consistently, almost daily, for years and years now, under many roofs and with many names.  The other day during a heavy September rain, I was remembering a Wed. night class at the old original Studio Be.  It was the night the flood started in 2013 (some of you were there YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, the date was Sept.11 btw).  We kept going until the walls ran with water on the inside, then we all tried to make it home in the rising tide.  I stood there in the studio that night for a looong time because it was safer than driving.  Loss, though painful, is a shared human experience, and we have extraordinary adaptive capacities to keep going.  That longevity is my promise to you!

I do think the Kaiut method is the cat’s meow, so I dedicated myself to that in 2018, then online classes started in 2020.  To stay IN IT at this level is a constant dedication to continuing education, upgraded teaching skills, and personal practice expanded in both depth and time.  I always feel like I fall a little short of the demands, and it is a good lesson for the anxious perfectionist in me to be a “C student.”  *wink wink*  Did I mention another training segment coming up in mid-October?  

So, with this as my main priority, I sacrifice some spontaneity and must commit to planning. Planning helps me keep my priorities priorities, and allows for the budget of time, attention and resources.  The structure is the freedom!

Between now and February, my schedule will continue as is, with an occasional ripple around travel, but no major changes.

Short Term Ripples:

No Classes Sat 9/23  (Aprille will sub at KYB)

9 and 10:30 am Classes Sun 9/24 (I am subbing for Darvin at KYB)

No Classes Wed 9/27- Sat 9/30

Regular Schedule starts up again Sunday, Oct. 1

Both Darvin and Kristin will be traveling to Brazil during late October and November.  I know there will be some additional subbing/schedule shifts, and I will keep you informed of any changes when I know them.  I foresee a trip to GA between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with online classes continuing during that week.  

As always, Please log in to Punchpass and register for the classes online to get the correct links if you don’t already have them. The online schedule is updated, but if you see mistakes please let me know

Future Ripples:

I have my eyes on a major trip next February-March that will take me away from all teaching for about a month, give or take.  I have been invited on a “bucket-list” excursion, a private Grand Canyon river trip!  The anticipated Feb. 14 winter launch is both exhilarating and terrifying, and it’s 5 months away!  Afterwards, I plan to get back to work right away with classes here and at Kaiut Yoga Boulder. While I cannot 100% guarantee that I will pick up my exact same schedule at the studio, we will continue.  

So, for the next 5 months, we keep going.  When I take a break you will know with lots of time in advance, so you can plan accordingly.  I hope you will continue to practice utilizing the recordings.  I will keep growing the content library in the meantime.  You might also wish to support other teachers or schools during that time.  We all try to promote such mutual support, and I will provide additional practice resources closer to the time.

Thank you thank you all for your continued practice and support!!



At Home on Planet Earth

Kaiut Yoga Boulder – 4800 Baseline Rd. D-206, Boulder, CO 80303