What's New

It’s (almost) 2022!

New Year’s Day Class + January Pop-ups + A TedTalk + Holiday subbing at KYB

Holiday Greetings and Blessings during this Winter Solstice time! I am so glad that you are enjoying the Sunday morning class times! There will be a few of those in January…details below.

All The Good Stuff You Need to Know…

The class schedule through December remains pretty much normal, with the following exceptions:

Class Canceled on Saturday 12/18 and 12/25 – 9:30 am MST.

Sunday Classes ARE happening 8-9 am MST on 12/19 and 12/26.

AND we will have a NEW YEARS DAY class on Sat. 1/1/22, 9:30 am MST. 

Looking ahead into January, everything is rocking along wonderfully, and I will be out of town during that last week. So….

Class Canceled on Wednesday 1/26/22 – 10:30 am MST (and I will have subs at KYB).

Sunday Pop-Ups on 1/23/22 AND 1/30/22, 8-9 am MST.


You all have heard me mention this journey of Perpetual Education that we are in, and I want to share some of the more intriguing topics that we are so fortunate to be exposed to. Exposure to new ideas is one of the greatest gifts of learning because we are all capable of using our brains in new ways, and we MUST do that to support longevity. 

Enjoy this TEdTalk from the Teacher Training. It’s a little longer than some I’ve shared before, but it’s worth watching in its entirety – there is a moving reveal from the speaker!

KYB Classes + Holiday Subbing + Podcast!

I am now offering 2 weekly classes in-person (and on Zoom) at Kaiut Yoga Boulder on Wednesday’s at 4:30pm (the NEW CLASS) and 6pm. Please join us! If you are a local student, come on in – I’d love to see you! I’m also going to sub a few classes over the next few weeks: 

I will be subbing for Megan at KYB (in person and Zoom) on Tuesday, 12/21/21 and 12/28/21, 6-7 pm MST.

The folks at KYB continue to add episodes to their Podcast. Here is a link to the newest episode in “Reframing Yoga”, about changing your relationship to pain and aging in reverse!

And just to remind you: To register for classes at Kaiut Yoga Boulder, you will need to create an MBO account and purchase a pass with them. You can do a 5 class package for $100 with no expiration, and that can work for Zoom classes as well. (You might not see this as an option on their website, but we can do it for you.)

Thank you all for being here!

With gratitude and love, Michelle


At Home on Planet Earth, occasionally in Georgia!

Kaiut Yoga Boulder – 4800 Baseline Rd. D-206, Boulder, CO 80303