What's New

Happy New Year! Welcome to the Season of Growing Light!

Blessings and Gratitude for a Happy New Year! New Year’s Day Class, January Class Schedule, and More About Hands!

New Year’s Day Class and January Schedule

Thank you all so much for using your punch cards and coming to class! We have been having excellent classes lately.

I’ve been so inspired by studying the hands and feet and the Potential Available Within (P.A.W.) concept that Francisco has developed.  More about this below, including some special paw prints in the snow!  January will be an exciting month, and I am looking forward to connecting with you all again after the Holidays!

I am feeling very positive these days.  All the bolsters covers have been freshly washed, and a new lease with the Church is underway!  As I have been contemplating this past year, one thought really stands out:  I wish for all those who have been suffering, or are suffering and could really use a break, to finally get that break, that moment of peace, that feeling of safety and wellness, and that relief from pain.  Pain and suffering can be so isolating and depressing, and it doesn’t have to be that way.  

Wednesday Jan. 1 – New Year’s Celebration!  Special Class 10-11:30am

(no classes New Year’s Eve)

Classes at BMC – Regular Schedule Jan. 3-10
FRI Jan. 3: 10:30am & noon
SAT Jan. 4: 9:30am
TUE Jan. 7: 4pm & 6pm
WED Jan. 8: 10:30am & noon
FRI Jan. 10: 10:30am & noon

Francisco is in town in mid-January!  I will be practicing with him and subbing lots of classes at Kaiut Yoga Boulder at the Meadows (KYB). All classes are one hour in length. I will not be holding classes at the BMC from Jan 11-27th, and I will resume my regular class schedule there starting on Tuesday Jan. 28th.

Join me for this excellent opportunity to learn with renewed energy, motivation and knowledge! For me, there is nothing more rewarding than practicing with Francisco and then turning around and delivering that depth of experience to you!

Classes at KYB at the Meadows – Jan. 11-23
SAT Jan. 11: 10:30am
SUN Jan. 12: 10:30am
MON Jan. 13: noon & 5:15pm
TUE Jan. 14: noon & 5:15pm
WED Jan. 15: noon & 5:15pm
THU Jan. 16: noon & 5:15pm
FRI Jan. 17: noon & 5:15pm
SAT Jan. 18: 10:30am
TUE Jan. 21: 5:15pm
WED Jan. 22: 5:15pm
THU Jan. 23: 5:15pm
BMC students, you are invited to attend my classes at KYB and use your existing punch card with me.

Your Brilliant Hands and Your Beautiful Brain

About a quarter of the motor cortex in the human brain (the part of the brain which controls all movement in the body) is devoted to the muscles of the hands. This is usually illustrated with a drawing of a human figure with the body parts sized proportional to the amount of brain devoted to their movement, referred to as a Homunculus!  This one is my favorite!

Grip Strength

And since we are on the topic of hands, especially as it applies to our yoga practice, I wanted to share this article (there are several out there) from the Washington Post:  A 2016 systematic review of many studies involving people 60 an older found that grip strength “has a predictive validity for decline in cognition, mobility, functional status and mortality.”


Boulder Mennonite Church (BMC) is the home of my Somatic Classroom
3910 Table Mesa Dr, Boulder, CO 80305

Kaiut Yoga Boulder (KYB)
4800 Baseline Rd, Suite D-206, Boulder, CO 80303

Movement Climbing + Fitness Boulder
2845 Valmont Rd, Boulder, CO 80301

Movement Climbing + Fitness RiNo
3201 Walnut St, Denver, CO 80205