Welcome to October!
After a very busy September, I am happy to be teaching regularly at the Boulder Mennonite Church again, and I have no major travel plans for awhile. YAY!
I have been working hard to build more structure into my life to sustain me through the coming months, and to provide you all with more opportunities to practice. Thank you for your feedback, always! Please know I am committed to you, and to making everything better and more user friendly for you.
Class Schedule through Oct. 12 (no changes) at Boulder Mennonite Church:
TUE 10/8 4pm and 5:30pm
WED 10/9 10:30am and Noon
FRI 10/11 10:30am
SAT 10/12 9:30am
Schedule Changes Effective Oct. 15
Please note that I am requesting a verbal or email commitment from at least 5 different people (ideally not taking away from already existing classes) for these 6 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving for the new changes/additions to be implemented. And, you can definitely come drop in to practice if you are NOT preregistered, but I am trying to determine if there is a core group with enough interest to make these classes run.
TUE 4-5pm – no change
TUE 6-7pm – NEW TIME
WED 10:30-11:30am – no change
WED Noon-1pm – no change
FRI 10:30-11:30am – no change
FRI Noon-1pm – NEW TIME
SAT 9-10am – NEW TIME starting Oct 19th
SAT 10:30-11:30am – NEW TIME starting Oct 19th
Movement Climbing + Fitness
Fridays 4-5pm Therapeutics
Class time will be changing to 4:30-5:30pm in Nov. I don’t plan to have any subs in the near future.
Another Denver Workshop
I will be teaching at Movement RINO again on Dec 4 and 11, 6-7:30 pm, topics TBD.
Boulder Mennonite Church is the home of my Somatic Classroom, located at 3910 Table Mesa Dr, Boulder, CO 80305
Remembering Michael Trolier
Our community lost a Beloved and Dear Friend, Michael Trolier, on Thursday Aug. 29.
A Celebration of Life to honor Michael will take place on Sunday, Oct. 13. I have volunteered to speak a few words, and maybe I will share a limerick or two! Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.
Michael was a dedicated yoga student who I met around 2004 at the original Studio Be Yoga and Movement Arts with Wendy Bramlett. He was a dear friend to me and to many, many others, inspiring us with his spontaneous poetry and witty brilliance! He was a great supporter of my business as Studio Be Yoga, LLC, and also to me personally over the years. He is missed and remembered, and loved.