What's New

Shared Humanity

I believe our shared human experiences far outweigh our differences, so I offer kindness and comfort to you all!

Dear Friends, 

I have been wanting to reach out to you all following Monday’s tragedy. But what can I say? I have been struck silent. It took a few days for me to find words again and the will to write them. We have been through a lot together, and our community and our nation is suffering deeply, again. I am so sorry for this loss and pain!

I recognize shock in myself and others, one of the stages of grief and mourning. Grief manifests differently for each of us and comes in waves and cycles, yet we all experience it as part of our shared humanity. I’ve had an empty feeling of sadness and grief, combined with depression, insomnia, physical pain, and that all-too-familiar ache in the pit of my stomach. I’ve been going through the motions of my days feeling distracted and joyless, and I haven’t felt good at all. Sound familiar? If so, know that you are not alone, and trust that things will change again.

I have been using my practice as a tool to reset my system and work with my overactive mind, which inclines towards hashing out all the worst case scenarios. This is a common tendency, and while it’s necessary to acknowledge all that you feel, this downward spiral can be seductive and counterproductive, and we must make an effort not to go there.  Friends, please nurture the lightness, kindness and positivity in your being and don’t let this darkness take over. 

In the coming weeks, especially while I am gone, please know that I care about you. Commit yourselves to all that you love, and do whatever it takes not to indulge yourself in more trauma and negative self-talk. Practice if you feel motivated, take a week off if you need a break, spend more time outside, cook, make art, spend time with others, do a puzzle, read a book. This is the exact advice my teacher gave to me when I was struggling the most. Set your intentions to do something, and feel just a little bit better. 

If you need support and community, there is a vigil on Thursday evening at Fairview High School. Thank you Mary Liz for your activism and for passing along the info!

The rest of this is devoted to some business questions. If you aren’t interested in that at this time, you can skip the rest.

1) Clarifications for Spring 2021 recorded class series

Many of you have asked why Punchpass lists two classes at the same time. I am sorry – this is confusing! My commitment is to make it a better system for all of us, but there will be some growing pains!

For example, on Saturday March 27, you can see there are two class choices listed at 9:30 am. Choose “Spring 2021” if you intend to work with all 7 classes (most monthly membership folks will do this), or choose “Kaiut Yoga on Demand” if you intend to work with individual classes (most punch card situations will prefer this). Then fill out the form and click “reserve my spot.”

Once you select and reserve the entire series or an individual class, the video will be available immediately in your Punchpass Content Library. One class is scheduled per day, which means you will also receive an email with the video link 20 minutes prior to the scheduled class time. This is a redundancy in the system as your Punchpass Content Library will have the video available as soon as you sign up for class. Video access is available until the end of April for you to practice at your convenience. And remember, the classes you reserve during this time will not be reflected in your pass until I “take attendance” after I return.  Please note, after you reserve a class, the video is automatically made available to you, and there can be no cancellations, returns or refunds at that point.

2) Zoom classes using Punchpass starting April 5

Go to the schedule page and select the class you would like to join. Complete the form and click “Reserve My Spot!” You will receive a reservation confirmation email, as well as a reminder emails one day and 20 minutes before class, all of which contain the class Zoom link. This Zoom link will also be available under “My Reservations” of your Punchpass account 2 hours prior to the start of class. You can reserve classes several months ahead of time if you’d like to get those reminder emails.

Again, thank you for being here and for your humanity and courage! I got you, and you got this! 

Sincerely, Michelle


At Home on Planet Earth

Kaiut Yoga Boulder – 4800 Baseline Rd. D-206, Boulder, CO 80303