There will not be any live Zoom classes from Thursday July 30 – Sunday August 9 while I am on vacation.
Instead, enjoy 6 new recorded classes which provide a progression in the sequences, adding complexity, and refining concentration and coordination. We are building new skills and adapting to some new angles of work, and developing structure and tone all over. Your brain and nervous system receive the benefits!
Class Schedule Aug 10-23
Live Zoom classes
Mon – 4:30 pm
Tue – 4:30 pm
Wed -10:30 am
Thu – 4:30 pm
Fri – 10:30 am
Sat – 9:30 am
IN PERSON CLASSES AT Kaiut Yoga Boulder!!!
Wed, Aug 12 – 6 pm
Fri, Aug 14 – 6 pm
Wed, Aug 19 – 6 pm
Fri, Aug 21 – 6 pm
There will be another (tentative) break Aug 24-30 with recorded classes provided. I know it is not ideal to take additional time off in August, and I apologize for that. But after so many months of isolation, I finally do have the opportunity to spend some time with friends doing some of the other things that I love, and that is what their schedules allow. And I really need it. Please know I am working hard to make a great fall schedule with even more class offerings!
I know you have a lot of questions about how things will work at Kaiut Yoga Boulder (KYB). Please work with us as we continue to adapt to the changing times, the needs of our community, and the shifts in our own lives!
You will need to create an account with KYB and register for the in-person classes. Class sizes are limited to 15 with 6′ between mats, and you must wear a mask at all times. All equipment is provided for you (please don’t bring your own mats). We ask that you limit the personal belongings that you bring with you, follow the one way traffic through the studio, avoid the changing rooms, wash your hands, and limit the contact you have with others.
If you have an existing punch card with me, you can use it for in-person classes with me at KYB through the end of September. Starting in October, please purchase class passes through KYB as we work to build a great schedule for these unique times. I will continue to teach online indefinitely, though the schedule may change a little in the fall. Your cards are still good for those classes too!
Equipment Sale is pending! More information coming soon! Thank you all for your interest and requests!
Kaiut Yoga Boulder – 4800 Baseline Rd. D-206, Boulder, CO 80303
At Home on planet Earth