Dear Friends,
As we near the Summer Solstice, I realize we have spent nearly the entire season of Spring in quarantine and practicing physical distancing. It seems unreal.
And it is the most real thing we have ever undertaken as a species, so I offer my hope and prayers and quantum mindset for a much improved future for All Humanity and All Species of Gaia. I have sat down many times these last few weeks intending to write this newsletter, but then new tragedies keep occurring and I feel sad and helpless and I just don’t have adequate words. The only words that seem adequate are: I am listening, I am paying attention, I love you, I am sorry, and I am ready to do all of this better!
I am grateful for you all always, but especially during this time, and it gives me joy to share some of the lovely cards and thank you notes (yes, many with checks inside) that I have received over the past few months. My commitment is to be kind and to help others as much as possible, and to keep working with great inspiration! I support Black Lives Matter and everyone working for equality, restorative justice, and reform of all of our broken systems.
Zoom classes will occur as regularly scheduled on June 9, 10, and during the week of June 15 with an additional 4:30 class offered on Monday June 15. I will not be teaching Zoom classes June 11-13 and will be releasing 3 new on demand archived classes for you to practice with this Thursday.
I am moving (within Boulder) during the week of June 22. There may be some schedule tweaks then, but I will communicate those in another email if needed. The website is updated through July 4.
I will continue to teach Kaiut Yoga online for the foreseeable future, and will also consider some in-person classes in Boulder starting in July. The number of weekly classes, times, and class price structure may be adjusted accordingly.
I am in frequent communication with the Boulder Mennonite Church and with Kaiut Yoga Boulder, and I will keep you updated as we all figure this out. In-person classes are likely to be reservation only, limited in size, and will require facial coverings at least upon entering and exiting the buildings.
Accessing Zoom Classes has never been easier! If you haven’t tried it yet, please do, because I miss you! Online practice will be with us for a while yet and will continue to be a part of my teaching practice.
If you have not joined the live classes lately, you will be prompted to update to Zoom 5.0, so give yourself a little extra time to download and run the new software.
It’s been wonderful to connect with such structure and purpose everyday, and many of you are practicing more than ever before. The Zoom platform allows me to see everyone individually, and to tailor each class and language to be very specific to YOU! I am amazed at how well it works.
Here is the link to access classes.
Learn more about online classes.
Venmo is now activated, and I am accepting check payments through the mail. If you think you may still owe for classes in March or April please be in touch.
I am updating the website with two new price structures, enabling those with greater financial wellbeing to contribute a little more if moved to do so. I do not ever want to turn anyone away from practice because of money, so consider these as sliding scale options.
1) Monthly Unlimited Subscriptions
Many of you have noticed that you are getting a great deal with the monthly subscription because you are taking far more classes than the typical 2-4 per week that you used to. So the monthly unlimited subscription is now on a sliding scale of $125-$160.
2) On Demand Archived Classes
If you are NOT attending the live Zoom classes at least once weekly with an active punchcard or monthly subscription, please consider a $10-$15 per class donation for archived classes. Older existing punch cards can be used for this. This is also a sliding scale, so if you want me to punch your card or to donate, please contact me directly.
Gratitude and love to you all!
At Home on planet Earth