What's New

Home Again

Greetings Friends and Family!

As most of you know, I have been in North Georgia for the last few weeks helping out my family while they are dealing with some big health issues. And it is SOOO beautiful here – I think October is just the best month everywhere!

What's New

October, Bringing the Glow

Hello and Autumn Greetings!

The last few weeks have definitely been full of surprises and changes! I have been putting off writing this email for a few weeks now as plans have been shifting and finally settling again. I am awestruck by the cyclical nature of everything. With some luck and diligence, we can learn how to do things better, more kindly, and with greater perspective as we encounter situations again and again in our lives. It is that spiral that I love so much, that exists prolifically in nature and in our bodies. 

What's New

Under Remarkable Beauty

Good morning!

Thank you all for coming to class and continuing to practice with all the comings and goings of summer! Welcome back if you’ve been away for a bit – I’ve missed seeing you!